Monday, January 9, 2012

An Important Phone Call

         After a rough weekend, we had a very good start to our week. This morning, we got a personal phone call from the best pediatric cardiologist at Cincinnati Children's hospital. This really helped to ease our minds.
         First, he told me he was very sorry for our recent diagnosis. I gave him a quick background, as far as where Will was diagnosed, my age, and a few other things.
         He told me briefly what the schedule would be like. Will's first surgery will be performed within 3-4 days of his birth. Strangely, this was a relief to me, knowing that he would have a few days to adjust and just for me to be with him and see him as much as possible. I didn't ask about details as far as being with him, because I do not yet feel prepared to handle it when/if they tell me I won't be with him. After his surgery, his recovery is expected to be about a month in the hospital.
         Doctor Hirsch also mentioned the importance of family support. Despite the fact that Vanderbilt would provide us with excellent care for Will, it will be invaluable to be near our family during this time. We already knew this, but it was good to hear it from him as well.
         My dad mentioned that they would move to Nashville right now if we needed to be at Vanderbilt, but we all agree that Children's is the place to be. They are in the top 10 rated in pediatric cardiology in the country. Vanderbilt is a great hospital with a wonderful reputation, but they were not on the list at all. I think not only being closer to my parents, but also our parents in Coshocton, and almost all of our extended family and close friends.
        The doctor then gave me his phone number, and told me his office will be calling to set up an appointment to do another echocardiogram, as well as setting up counseling for Jared and me. We will schedule the echo as soon as possible, and I will fly to Cincinnati to have it performed.
        I feel this phone call has already changed a lot. While we are still scared and upset, we feel reassured to know that we are getting absolutely the best care possible. It was such a surprise and a blessing to hear almost immediately from the doctor himself.
        Please continue to pray for Will, and send him all of the positive thoughts you can. If we all pray together now, we can pray for a miracle at our next echo... a happy, healthy baby, with a strong, healthy heart.


Edit: Our first meeting with the pediatric cardiologist is set up for next Friday, January 20th at 2:30.  He will be having his next echo at this appointment.


  1. Faith, hope and prayers sent your way Allison.
    I will keep you all in my prayers and know you are not alone.
    Love you much.
    Aunt Edie

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  3. Hi Allison & Jared,
    I know so many people are reading your blog and are praying for you both and for Will. Sometimes we don't want to believe that praying is the best thing we can do but it is. Keep up the praying everyone!
    Love & Peace,
